Welcome to technical support for the 'Proof of Concept – Smart Technology' research study in Lincolnshire
We know that recognising quickly if a person’s health is deteriorating gives doctors and other health care professionals a chance to intervene early and stop problems getting worse. That can make treatment more effective and means patients can recover better. Often it even avoids admissions or urgent visits to hospital.
In this research study we are testing if we can find out really early when someone is becoming ill and may need medical help using Smart Devices.
The NHS is keen to improve the way it looks after all of us.
This study can help the NHS provide better healthcare in the future for people who have these health problems. We hope that people in the future with similar health problems will receive better treatment earlier, helping them live longer happier lives.
Together, we can help shape the future of healthcare.
This service will help you solve most technical problems you may have while taking part in this trial.
This service is operated by Optima Systems on behalf of NHS Lincolnshire CCG.
The opening hours are 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
This service is not able to help you with any health related questions or concerns. It is really important that you tell your GP as usual if you feel unwell or think that you need medical attention while taking part in this study.
In an emergency, please dial 999.